The family business Vetek
Familiarity is the best way to describe Vetek in just one word. This has been the case since day one. Patrik started Vetek back in 1992, and his wife Kickan, sister Christina and father Olle have been employed by the company since that day. Olle is now retired.
Over the years, several enterprising family members have been added. Kickan's brother Per, Christina's son Oscar, Christina's son-in-law Mathias and most recently also Patrik and Kickan's son Rasmus, have all joined the business.
In addition, we also have three ambitious people from outside the family in our organization: Julia, Jesper and Emma. The latter two, Jesper and Emma, are siblings – it is important to keep it a family business as much as possible.
Patrik also has two brothers who, through their own companies, are involved and contribute with their expertise. Björn manages the development of the website, and Thomas delivers telephone, server and backup solutions.
So the familiarity is constant throughout Vetek's business. It imprints everything we do. Especially our family service, which we are very proud of and sets us apart from other players in the market.