Crane scale 55 tonnes/20kg stainless, professional.
Available in several variants
MCW09T3 | € 2 225,00 | |
MCW09T6 | € 2 829,00 | |
MCW09T9 | € 3 495,00 | |
MCW09T12 | € 3 945,00 | |
MCW09T17 | € 3 149,30 |
Stainless steel digital crane scale with IP67 protection against dust and sprays, 40mm DOT LED large display, for maximum visibility from all angles and in any lighting condition, even direct sunlight.
The single security system makes them suitable for lifting and weighing the load.
Sturdy and reliable, usable indoors as well as outdoors. Minimum reduction of the crane’s lifting space.
The models with up to 15000 kg capacity are fitted with test certificate obtained with sample weights, for higer capacities the certificate is available on request.
For the complete protection against scratches and bumps during transportation, the crane scale is shipped inside a sturdy wooden case which is custom made. (MCW09T12, MCW09T17, MCW09T25, MCW09T30 and MCW09T50 versions).
- Single security system, for the lifting and the weighing of the load.
- In compliance with the directives 2006/42 CE, UNI EN 13155/2009, UNI EN 13889, 2014/30/EU.
- Extremely bright large red DOT LED 40mm display, which guarantees a perfect visibility of the weight from any angle, also from a long distance with direct sunlight.
- Usable indoors as well as outdoors, great visibility also in full sunlight.
- Adjustable brightness intensity.
- Sturdy STAINLESS steel structure, with IP67 protection degree of the load cell and the electronics, against dust and sprays.
- Fitted with approved galvanised shackles:
GR6 for MCW09T3
GR6 for MCW09T6
GR9 for MCW09T9
GR12 for MCW09T12
GR17 for MCW09T17
GR25 for MCW09T25
GR35 for MCW09T30
GR55 for MCW09T50 - Extremely reduced distance between upper and lower shackles.
- Precision: +/- 0,05% on F.S. for 3T to 9T models
- Precision: +/- 0,1% on F.S. for 12T to 50T models
- 5-key waterproof keypad: ZERO, AUTOMATIC TARE, MODE, PRINT, and ON/OFF.
- Programmable digital filter, for an excellent weight display in any working condition.
- Programmable automatic switch-off function, either through keypad or remote control.
- Fitted with radiofrequency 6-key remote control, configurable as simple automatic tare or as a remote keypad.
- Configured for an 868MHz radio interface or WiFi, for connection to PC or to a remote terminal and printer.
- Rechargeable battery, with an average life of about 30 hours.
- Configured for a second optional extractable battery for 24/7 continuous use.
- Fitted with 230Vac 50 Hz battery charger.
- Programmable digital calibration and Set-Up directly from the keypad or from PC through Dinitools.
- Operating temperature range: -10/+40 ºC.
Remote control functions
The crane scale is fitted with a radiofrequency remote control which allows to do the Zeroing; the tare; enable / disable functions; printing; switching-off the crane scale.
Selectable functions:
- PEAK (maximum value read).
- HOLD (lock of the displayed weight).
- Weighing totalization.
- lb/kg/N conversion (see DFW weight indicators for more functions).
- +/- checkweighing.
- Percentage weighing.
- Counting.
- Peer-to-peer.
- High Resolution Weighing x 10.
Options (Only at time of order):
- Radio frequency weight transmission to remote indicator, up to 70m indoors.
- 868Mhz radio interface.
- WI-FI interface.
- Remote weight indicator connected in radio frequency, with the printer or other accessories.
- ACCREDIA calibration certificate according to OIML/ASTM standards.
- Capacity (kg): 55000 kg
- Capacity (tonnes): 55 t
- Resolution (g): 20000 g
- Resolution (kg): 20 kg
- Material: Stainless steel
Accessories / Spare parts
Showing 1 / 1

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Showing 22 / 39

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Price from: Contact us for price

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Price from: Contact us for price

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