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Weighing Indicators for ATEX ZONE 2 and 22, Profibus

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Article no:
Stock status:
4-5 weeks
Standard Warranty
12 months
Available in several variants
DGT60BC3GD € 979,00
DGT60R3GD € 979,00
DGT60PB3GD € 1 155,00
DGT60AN3GD € 1 045,00


Weight indicator/ repeater particularly suitable for use in hazardous environments, where it's necessary to view the weight from a distance at any angle.
Usable in areas: 
ATEX II 3D Ex tc IIIC T130°C Dc IP68 X.
Fitted with a very bright 60mm LED matrix display and IP68 stainless steel case.
CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).

  • Functional 5-key waterproof keypad.
  • Large 6-digit display, 60 mm high, with very efficient SMD LEDs (software adjustment of the brightness intensity), complete of 6 Leds for indication of active functions, visible from over 25 m, with viewing angle up to 120° and with power up to 750 mcd.
  • IP68 stainless steel case complete of wall fixing bracket.
  • Calibration, Set-Up parameters, configurable from keyboard or from PC with DINI TOOLS.
  • Max. 10.000e or multirange 2 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/d in CE-M approved version for legal for trade use.
  • Max. 800.000d viewable with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Up to 8 signal linearisation points with DINITOOLS.
  • A/D 24 bit sigma-delta 4-channel conversion, max.200 conv./sec. with automatic selection.
  • Connectable with up to 16 analogue load cells with 350 Ohm input resistance.
  • Management of a weighing system with up to 4 cells with digital equalisation or management of up to 4 independent weighing systems.
  • Power supply from 110-240 Vac.
  • Available as Scale or as Repeater version.

Main Certifications

  • EC Type Approval (EN45501)
  • OIML R76
  • OIML R61 - MID

I/O Section

  • RS232/C bidirectional port configurable for connection to printer, PC, or other external units.
  • RS485 bidirectional port configurable for connection to PC, PLC, or other external units.
  • PROFIBUS bidirectional port (DGT60PB3GD model).
  • 2 MOSFET 150 mA 48 Vac / 150 mA 60 Vdc (NO) outputs, with configurable functions.
  • 2 optoisolator photocouplers: 12÷24 Vdc, 5 mA min - 20 mA max, with configurable functions.
  • 16-bit analogue output (DGT60AN3GD model) 4-20mA / 0-5Vdc / 0-10Vdc at choice; maximum applicable voltage: 350 Ohm; minimum applicable voltage resistance: 10 kohm.

All the cables must be installed and protected according to the standards for electrical equipment.

DGT60R Repeater functions

  • Version with specific program for use of the indicator as a universal weight repeater or as a multi-scale repeater (MASTER) in combination with DFW/DGT/MCW.
  • Functioning modes:
    - Multi-scale repeater (MASTER):
    Function which allows to repeat up to 32 independent scales, with the possibility of managing their functions, or displaying and printing the sum of the weighs of all the scales.
    - UNIVERSAL weight repeater:
    Function which allows to repeat the weight of any scales, through the configuration of the input string.

Options only available at time of order:

  • Ethernet interface.
  • Real time clock.
  • Alibi Memory.


  • Through keyboard:
    Zeroing; Semi automatic and presettable tare, print and/or data transmission; ON/Stand-by.
  • Selectable:
    High Resolution Weighing x 10; Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion; Weighs totalisation; Formulation; Approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (with Alibi memory ALMEM option); Counting; In/Out Truck weighing; Hold e Peak.
  • External input:
    Simulation of key pressure; Keyboard lock.
  • Mosfet output:
    Set Point Control on the weight, either positive (in loading) or negative (in unloading), or on the pieces (counting mode), with programmable enabling/disabling thresholds, as direct check or upon weight stability.
  • Serial ports:
    On all models: Reading of the net, gross, and tare weights; Clearing; Semi automatic and presettable tare; Scale switch; Setting of outputs activation thresholds; Reading/Writing of Alibi Memory.
    DGT60BC3GD and DGT60AN3GD models: Reading of microvolts or ADC converter for all the channels; Message display; Printing; Setting of APW in counting mode; Simulation of key pressure; MODBUS serial protocol.
  • Through 16 bit analogue output (DGT60AN3GD):
    Analogue output proportional to the net or gross weight, either positive (in loading) or negative (in unloading).


  • Connection options: Profibus (standard)
    Ethernet (option)
  • ATEX: ZON 2
    ZON 22
  • IP protection: IP68
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Performance: Power supply


  • Datasheet DGT603GD V1.pdf Download
  • Manual Config Remote scale ENG.pdf Download
  • Technical drawing DGT603GD.pdf Download

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